Afterschool Club: Kindergarten

Welcome to our 180-day adventure of discovery, creativity, and fun!

Last Update: 2025-2-21

Kindergarten is an exciting time of discovery and adventure for your child. These worksheets are designed to make learning fun and engaging. From solving simple puzzles and exploring the wonders of nature to counting colorful objects and diving into the world of letters and words, every worksheet helps your child take a step towards becoming a confident learner. These specially crafted activities will help them explore numbers, shapes, letters, and so much more. Each day, your child will embark on a new adventure that not only teaches important skills but also sparks their curiosity and creativity.

Trace and Color Shapes Circle

Trace and Color Shapes Circle

Trace and Color Stars Shapes

Trace and Color Stars Shapes

Trace and Color Squares Shapes

Trace and Color Squares Shapes

Trace and Color Rectangles Shapes

Trace and Color Rectangles Shapes

Triangle Shape

Triangle Shape

Trace and Color Diamond Shape

Trace and Color Diamond Shape

Trace and Color Oval Shape

Trace and Color Oval Shape

Trace and Color Heart Shape

Trace and Color Heart Shape

Draw and Identify circle shape

Draw and Identify circle shape

Draw and Identify Squares

Draw and Identify Squares


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